
10 Major Benefits of Having Superannuation for Retirement

Saving for retirement is one of the wisest things you can do with your money. However, about 1.7 million Australians don’t have a superannuation for their retirement. Scary right? Maybe they made other plans, or maybe they’re loaded with enough cash to last them without a retirement fund. Still, think about what would happen if you got to the ripe age of 70 years old and had no retirement funds – you would literally have to work till the day you die. That’s why it’s so important to consider paying into a super fund as early as possible.


But what are the benefits of a superannuation fund other than having money set aside for your retirement? That’s exactly what we’re going to discuss in this article, so continue reading to find out.

What is Superannuation?

Superannuation is an Australian pension fund program run by companies to aid employees in their retirement savings. It usually involves deducting a portion of their salary, which goes to the fund. Like other retirement plan funds, superannuation will appreciate in value until the set age of retirement. Financial advisors usually help clients or businesses with their superannuation programs to ensure deductions are set appropriately.


The benefits of having superannuation for retirement

Any kind of saving towards a goal is always beneficial, but saving for your retirement is particularly beneficial. Here’s why:

1.   Pay less income tax

The Australian government wants citizens to still be able to live sustainably when they retire. For this reason, they allow superannuation savings to be tax deductible. This means that if you pay into a superannuation every month, you’ll pay less tax.


We all work hard for our salaries, but tax is a reality for all of us. That’s why paying into superannuation is so important. It helps you maintain a larger percentage of your salary and put it forward to saving for your future.


2.   More affordable car insurance

Many Super funds will come with a few benefits if you purchase products with the same company or affiliation. These benefits can include vouchers and discounts on premiums. One amazing discount is getting your car insurance at a discounted rate. While this does depend on the fund you’re using, saving on car insurance is a massive bonus!


If the option is available, you can also use your super fund to pay for your insurance premiums. While this might mean you’ll get less when you retire, it sure does save you cash in the present.


3.   Ensures your financial security upon retirement

Paying into superannuation offers financial security for when you get older and are unable to continue working. We can’t avoid old age, but we can prepare for it, so it’s best that we do so properly. We’ve seen far too many cases where people retire and haven’t planned for their retirement properly. As a result, they have to move in with their children or become a financial burden to them.

4.   Discount, discounts, discount

As we mentioned earlier, you can get cash from your premiums for products affiliated with your Super fund. But you can also get some pretty amazing discounts from associated stores or products. There are also membership rewards and points that can be collected and built up until you’ve received enough points to cash them in for a free meal or even some merchandise.

5.   Less tax on investment returns

With a super fund, your investment returns have less tax on them. This could equate to around 15% for investments and 10% for capital gains. You can even use your super fund as an income stream when you retire and earn a tax-free salary.


6.   The government does a co-payment

With a super fund, the government might co-contribute the amount going in as a way to incentivise your saving for retirement. However, they only offer this for low to middle-income earners and there are some things you’d need to do first like paying extra into your super fund, providing your tax number to the financial advisors overseeing your fund, and earning under $58, 445 for this tax year (23-24).


7.   Advice for no extra cost

Generally, when you get a superannuation account going, it comes with a financial advisor who’ll include the cost of managing the fund and giving you advice in your super fund account. This kind of advice can save you loads of money if you’re connected to the right person. A financial advisor would help you set up a super fund in a way that maximises your benefits when you retire but also works for you at your current stage of life.


8.   Fast-track your first home savings

You could use the First Home Super Saver Scheme, a program that the government set up to aid people who are buying their first homes. This scheme will help you consistently save for a deposit until you’re ready and from there you’ll be able to buy the home of your dreams, or at least a stepping stone to it.


9.   Your savings are protected

If you’re a business owner and have wrapped a lot of your personal finances up as assets in the business, there’s a good chance that you could lose it all if your business has to declare bankruptcy. But, if you have savings in superannuation, you’re covered because you’ll still have something to fall back on.


10.               Invest in Exclusive Private Assets

Superannuation works like a large investment portfolio, pooling your savings with those of other members. This collective buying power allows super funds to invest in exclusive private assets like airports and motorways. These are unique investment opportunities that typically aren't available to individual investors.

Leverage the Power of Large Funds


Being part of one of Australia's largest super funds means you benefit from our ability to make substantial investments to grow your super savings. Our size and scale give us access to investment opportunities that smaller funds might miss. Check out our investment performance to see how we’re working to grow your savings.

Final thoughts

We believe these benefits speak for themselves, but there are also some tactics that have to come with investing in superannuation. For instance, you don’t want to put so much into it every month that you struggle to live and enjoy yourself. Remember, we’re not promised tomorrow. Usually, the recommended portion to invest is around 15% of your monthly salary or more if possible. The sooner you start, the better the results will be when you retire.

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