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Privately held; Founded in 2009
51 – 200 employees



Relationship history

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    No reminders

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Other requests for proposal

There are no other requests for proposal from DORA CREATION

Investor profile

Dora Création est une socièté de droit congolais qui se déploie dans le secteur de la NTIC (Nouvelle Technologie de l'information et de la communication). capitalisant 10 ans d'experience dans le développement des politiques de marques, Dora création est un autre synonyme d'une expérience innovante que par sa maîtrise des méthodes de travail aboutie, car nous possédons toutes les compétences humai

Overall investment size in USD

Less than $5m

Average investment size in USD

$90,000 till $200,000

Investment interests

Asset class

Insurance-linked securities (ILS)

Investment vehicle

  • Pooled investments
  • Foundations
  • Investment club
  • Direct investments
  • Investment company
  • Segregated/managed accounts
  • Structured products
  • Investment products
  • Leverage products
  • Derivatives (non-structured products)
  • Options
  • Other investment vehicles

Investment region

  • Global
  • Global diversified markets
  • Global diversified
  • Global developed markets
  • G7
  • G20
  • Global emerging markets
  • Global frontier markets
  • Global non-classified markets
  • Europe
  • Developed European countries
  • France
  • European diversified markets
  • Frontier European countries
  • Emerging European countries
  • Non-classified European countries
  • Asia
  • Diversified Asian markets
  • Developed Asian countries
  • Emerging Asian countries
  • Frontier Asian countries
  • Non-classified Asian countries
  • MENA
  • Diversified MENA Markets
  • Developed MENA countries
  • Frontier MENA countries
  • Emerging MENA countries
  • Non-classified MENA countries
  • Australia and Oceania
  • APAC developed markets
  • APAC diversified markets
  • APAC non-classified markets
  • North America
  • Developed Northern American countries
  • Diversified Northern American markets
  • Emerging Northern American countries
  • Non-classified Northern American countries
  • South America
  • Diversified Southern American markets
  • Emerging Southern American countries
  • Frontier Southern American countries
  • Non-classified Southern American countries
  • Sub-Saharan Africa
  • Emerging Sub-Saharan countries
  • Diversified Sub-Saharan markets
  • Frontier Sub-Saharan countries
  • Non-classified Sub-Saharan countries
  • Central America and the Caribbean
  • Diversified CAC countries
  • Emerging CAC countries
  • Frontier CAC countries
  • Non-classified CAC countries

Considered legal/investment requirements


Both possible


Business Manager